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Twitter, Facebook, America
Our initiation into the exciting world of marketing through the social media came when we ran the Twitter campaign for author Dinesh D'Souza's blockbuster movie "2016: Obama's America," produced by Gerald Molen (Schindler's List, Jurassic Park).
What some
expected to be
a ho-hum election film erupted into box-office history, grossing $33 million, making it the second-highest grossing political documentary in history -- easily eclipsing Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and Michael Moore's "Roger & Me" and "Bowling for Columbine."

It's the fourth-highest grossing documentary of all time, behind "Fahrenheit 911" and "March of the Penguins."

More than half of the tickets sold for "2016" came from social media marketing. As a subcontractor for Ribbow Media in Nashville, Publications Technologies handled the Twitter campaign.

D'Souza followed up his "2016: Obama's America" with with a book and movie, "AMERICA: Imagine the World Without Her." We ran the Facebook outreach during the eight weeks around the film's release and the book's rise to #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.

The movie soared past multiple Michael Moore films to became the sixth highest grossing documentary of all time ... although critics hated it -- despite high praise from viewers.

In another Ribbow project, we ran the Washington Times'Opinion section's Facebook presence, taking it from 1,200 likes to over 140,000 in six months with 14.3 million impressions, 10 million of them viral.
On the heels of the "2016: Obama's America" success, we provided daily Facebook content for a limited release biographical film, "Hating Breitbart," the story of the late political firebrand Andrew Breitbart. Our Facebook efforts reached 12.9 million people in three months with 91,000 likes in eight weeks.

So, what can we do for you?
How can we help you preserve your legacy? How can we help you better tell your story? How can we help you get out the word? Contact us! We're ready to go to work for you!